Moussaka with a well
Algerian moussaka, with little modification.
Preparation steps
- Cut the potatoes into rolls, cook. Finely chop the white and fry. When the potatoes are done, mash them with a fork, add the white 1 large spoonful of dried parsley, salt, veg can and pepper if you like. Mix everything finely. Grease the fire. mass and arrange the wells on it and then the other half on it. Combine everything with a fork. Beat the egg with the powder and sprinkle a little salt water over it and bake at 250 C until finely browned.
If someone wants, they can cook the white with 1 onion and 1 soup cube. So cut it into small pieces and add it to the potatoes. And with that water, beat the egg with about 2 large tablespoons of water.