Mom's sardine buzara with polenta
No one knows how to do this like my mom .. today I insisted that I work, and she stands over my head and watches me go, she gave me detailed instructions, and the dish turned out divine, so all happy, I share it with you. How many flavors in simple ingredients and preparation.
Preparation steps
- Yellow the onion in oil and add the peeled tomatoes or fresh peeled tomatoes.
- Add Mediterranean, salt and pepper.
- Simmer everything for about 10 minutes. Arrange the sardines on it, pour wine over them (it serves to keep the sardines from falling apart) and arrange the lemon rings. It should not be mixed, just slowly shake the pan in which you are cooking.
- Cook for another 10-15 minutes on low heat, shaking the pan constantly, 5 minutes before the end of cooking add the garlic and herbs. for polenta:
- Put water, salt and oil in the pot, and when it boils, add the cornmeal.
- Cook until it thickens enough to start falling off the cooker.
- Arrange the polenta with a spoon on a plate, and pour the sauce and sardines on top, be sure to put a slice of lemon on each one.
Any wine goes well with this dish. It can also be eaten with bread, but with polenta it is the best, my salad does not go well with this. If you do not have unsprayed lemons, keep the purchased lemon for about half an hour in a mild solution of baking soda.