Rosa Cooking

Mediterranean duo - calzone with stuffed burger

Last Wednesday, returning from photographing the old schools of the Buje region, Z. and I stopped by for lunch at M.'s (Petrovija, Umag). I usually accept checked pizzas but he took my smart advice and ordered THIS. And when I saw the cheese melt and come out of the calzone I was angry like a dog because I was envious of him. But when Z. went to "count all the tiles in the toilet" according to the good old custom, I quickly got a description of the recipe from the landlord's son. And here it is, something really dooooobro ...

Preparation steps

  • Burgers
  • At least an hour before baking the burgers, in a large porcelain bowl, mix the meat, minced or very finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, oil, salt and pepper. Put in a cool place, let stand.
  • Prepare aluminum or transparent foil (2 slightly larger pieces), oil it a little (coat it by hand) and use oiled hands on the foil to form as large a burger as possible. Place a sheet of melted cheese in the middle, place a slice of another cheese on the bottom half of the burger, fold the burger (into a crescent) and press around so that the ends stick well. Form another burger in the same way. Bake them in a grill pan on very little oil until they get a nice brown color on both sides. Set aside to cool.
  • Calzone
  • Heat the milk with the sugar to make it lukewarm, add the yeast, mix in a teaspoon of flour and leave on warm to froth. Add yeast, a little salt and so much lukewarm water to the rest of the flour that you can knead a pliable pizza dough that doesn’t stick to your hands. Leave on warm to double the volume and divide it into two equal parts. Roll each piece into a round shape (on a floured board) some 3.5 cm wider than the burger. Place the stuffed burger on the bottom of the dough and fold the top to get a crescent shape. Press the ends of the dough well, and you can also tap the edge with a fork, so that the dough does not dissolve during baking.
  • Preheat the oven to standard 220 st C (hot air) or 250 st C in a combination of both heaters. Oil the mold in which you will bake the calzone a little, put the dough, brush with a little milk (so that the surface does not dry out) and bake until gets a nice color. Some will better baked, some light, so the choice is yours.


With this dish, which can be the main, you should not serve anything other than salad, a little onion, ajvar ....


barbecue hamburger lunch party pizza to try out

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