# marzipan

Almond cakes
you cook with dark chocolate, about 30 pieces of this dose

Almond cake with plums
A nice and juicy cake that you can make with all the seasonal fruit.

Almonds cut with marzipan
Christmas cookies ...

Amaretto balls
And if there is no Amaretta, Cherry and Baileys can do anything sweet and alcoholic! Beads then just change the name :-)

Amaretto cake with blackberry topping
Chocolate, almonds and blackberries ....... great combination.

Apple muffins
The marzipan and jam garnish is the top of this charming little apple muffin that you will want to share with your favorite company.

Apples and marzipan
seki for birthday ... fantasy taste with cinnamon and almond leaves, soft, juicy, fast ... fantastic on an oven tray :) ... -recipe from Sally's blog-cake and cakes

Apricot and almond bars
Fine marzipan cookies with apricot jam, rolled in chopped almonds and two glazes, made of dark chocolate and hazelnuts.

Aromatic pralines
Fine marzipan cubes with fragrant spices, dressed in milk chocolate!

Balls stuffed with marzipan and apricot
Marzipan you either like or you don’t. These are almond balls stuffed with marzipan and dried apricots, enriched with orange flavor, crunchy “dressed” and baked with almond flakes. For marzipan lovers pure pleasure, and for those who have not been so far.


"Baumkuchen" with marzipan filling
Fine and tasty cake, with marzipan filling and apricot jam, richly topped with chocolate.

Baum (wood) kitchen
This is a typical German cake made for the Christmas holidays. This mass is baked in layers on the top shot (grill) and when cut it looks like a tree made of wood and after that it was named Baum (wood) cake.

Bear paws
After trying the mixture you will be delighted. You just have to try it. Visually very attractive and after the guests try it, there is no one who is not looking for a recipe :)

Berliner Punschtorte
A pure explosion of taste and smell! Try it, enjoyment guaranteed!

Bethmännchen - Bethmenovi
An old recipe from Frankfurt (Germany) by the Bethmann family. The mother had 4 sons and for each she put one half of the almonds on cookies. Since one son died, she put only 3, so it remained…. Marzipan almond cookies… my favorite cookies, not only for Christmas ... for the heart