Rosa Cooking

Manjar branco

A common treat in Brazil… a kind of coconut pudding.

Preparation steps

  • Mix milk, condensed milk, margarine, mayonnaise and cream in a mixer.
  • Put in a skillet, add coconut flour and cook, stirring constantly, for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Put in a decorative non-stick form or plain greased with margarine.
  • Cool and refrigerate for 4 hours.
  • When cool, shake to a deeper tray.
  • Filling: Melt the sugar to caramelize and add water. Wait for it to dissolve and form a topping.
  • When dissolved add the plums, stir and wait for it to cool a bit.
  • Pour over the pudding, return to the fridge and serve cold.


Milk cream can be made according to the cream fres recipe