Rosa Cooking

Mamula jam (zerdelija, ringlova)

Many people know the wild plum..they also call it zerdelija, ringlov, mirabela, amula, dženarika, cibora, arzelinka.Unjustly neglected variety ... very resistant and low gives regular and abundant healthy fruits ... then it is a pity not to use it is a treasure of nature and to enjoy it. It takes a little time and the effort pays off. for two, three years healthy..and cooked without any preservatives.I think I will at least offer someone to try to prepare jam.

Preparation steps

  • Wash plums, bone them
  • I work deductively..if I manage to turn and debone that day..max.10 kg. It is important for me to fill the pot in which I will cook the jam, and that is the electric oven (for pizza) .. the inside is Teflon, so it is not hunted sediment on the bottom, and I like that dish also because it is shallow and very wide, so everything boils and evaporates quickly. I always do that outside, because there are a lot of syringes.
  • I drain the pitted plums and put them in the oven to cook the strongest..when cooking..I remove the foam. At the beginning of cooking, the liquid will separate, so pick it up and put it together with the juice from the strainer in another cooking vessel (I still have plums left that couldn't fit in the oven, so I added them to that juice .. and all together put to cook lightly on gas).
  • Let the fruit cook for at least one hour until the excess liquid evaporates. When the mixture in the oven is reduced and becomes I add sugar..the amount depends on the sweetness or acidity of the plum..I have it for the whole amount (approx. 7-8 kg ) went almost 3 kg of sugar..means a total of almost 3 kg of sugar on the mixture in the oven and in a 3 l bowl.My plums were very sweet, so it did not need much sweetening.
  • I added a little sugar, the jam was getting thicker..add vanilla sugar..I needed 4 pcs. and cinnamon 2..3 teaspoons.The overall cooking took about 2 hours.We don't like too thick jam..and you if you like to cook longer.
  • Pour the jam into clean jars and close immediately, then wrap in blankets ... let it cool gradually
  • Plum juice that I got by straining and collecting from the oven and a few plums that could not fit in the oven..cooked lightly in a stainless steel pan on gas.cca 1 hour .. and then added sugar, cinnamon and one jelly .. .I got a wonderful jelly


As a spread on bread..filling in cakes..on ice yogurt


amule arzelinke mamule marabela margolana mirabela mirabolana strboncelj zerdelije