Rosa Cooking


A traditional dish or a wonderful appetizer and can also be served as a side dish with some roasting ... A wonderful combination of potatoes, dried peppers and garlic mmm ...

Preparation steps

  • We cook the potatoes unpeeled. We clean the dried peppers from the stalks and seeds and cook them, but a little longer so that we can peel them more easily later. Clean the garlic.
  • Mash the peeled peeled potatoes with a mashing tool and gradually add the hot water in which the peppers were cooked. We need to get a fine puree.
  • Peel a squash, grate it and chop it.
  • Put the cleaned garlic in a wooden bowl - wagon, with a little salt, mash and rub with a pestle until it becomes smooth.
  • Add chopped dried peppers to mashed potatoes, add salt and stir. Heat the oils in a pan and pour the hot puree with the peppers. Stir well to equalize everything. Add everything to the garlic and stir. Add salt to taste.


Makalo is best when he is angry. If you don't like garlic, you can do without it. I always leave the part without onions for those who don't like it. Make it to your liking.


makalo pepper salads sauces side dish spreads

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