Rosa Cooking

Macedonian salt sticks

Here is another wonderful snack from my friend Nate, try them :)) They are a favorite of my older son

Preparation steps

  • Put the yeast with a teaspoon of flour and sugar in lukewarm water to rise.
  • Pour part of the flour, salt, oil, eggs, yeast and part of the milk into the bowl, and initially knead with a food processor. Then knead the dough with the addition of the rest of the flour and milk.
  • Work the dough IMMEDIATELY. Divide it into small noodles the size of an apricot. Develop each one as a larger ellipse, then cut it in half lengthwise. beaten egg with a little oil, sprinkle with coarse sea salt and bake at 200C for about 15min.
  • A lot of sticks come out of this measure. But, they disappear quickly :))


bagel snack

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