Rosa Cooking

"Leningrad" pufice

When you like puff pastry and princess donut dough, wonderful puffs are formed, enjoy this crunchy and richly stuffed recipe. The old recipe goes a lot of fat in the cream so that it can stay for a long time at room temperature.

Preparation steps

  • Spread the puff pastry and cut it / original recipe 12x12 cm / into cubes. Cook the dough / it's like for princess donuts /. Put water, sugar, salt and butter in the pot. When it boils and the butter melts, add the whole amount of flour. Mix until the dough is formed into a lump. further dry. Transfer to another mixing bowl, add the eggs one by one, stirring for a long time, so that the mass connects and becomes shiny and smooth. Place a large spoonful of the cooked dough mixture in the middle of each puff pastry cube. Transfer the lsinato so that there is space left. Place in a preheated oven at 200C / 35-40 min. Remove and cool.
  • Make the cream: Put half of the milk on the fire with both types of sugar. In the other half mix the pudding and thickener and egg yolks. Knead to break up lumps. Pour everything into the heated milk stirring until it thickens. with a little powdered sugar .Let cool. Work the butter briefly / should be at room temperature then add a tablespoon by tablespoon of the cream, stirring until the cream is smooth
  • Top the cooled puffs with cream by making a hole in one part and then pressing the cream into the pastry bag. Cool everything together.


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