# lchf

Absolute beans
ašmalcane, pirjane, dinstane- everyone has a different name and recipe, so here is one of mine, how my grandmother and mother worked

A cake with red wine and cherries!
While this cake was being baked, the whole house smelled of roasted hazelnuts, cinnamon ... wine, and it was slowly snowing outside!

A complex of rice and balanca, in the Sicilian way
Nowhere are there so many recipes with eggplants, and even in incredibly successful, they say, almost love affairs, with tomatoes, as in the cuisines of the Mediterranean. From Greek and Turkish moussaka, to various varieties of parmigiana - each dish of this special vegetable is good in its own way. I suggest you a very rustic recipe that can also be found in the name of Palermo risotto - it is meant as a dish that can be worn on the beach. Namely, it’s great and cold; it can be an appetizer, for vegetarians it is an excellent main dish, and it can also be used as a great barbecue side dish for large picnics and excursions.

A complex of roasted peppers and cheese
These dishes are my favorite, it can be your lunch and, if anything, dinner.

A complex of vegetables and minced meat
Lchf version of grandma’s macaroni stack. Absolutely nothing is lost in taste. Preparation takes a little longer, but it pays off, especially on weekends as a hearty meal for family / friends.

A compound with mushrooms
A very fine dish that can be prepared with different types of mushrooms.

A healthy version of fried chicken and french fries
This time I chose the example of fried chicken with mayonnaise and french fries. Sure, there are much healthier recipes than this, but let's be realistic - most people will be rewarded with food that they like and that they like, that is, they are used to its taste. So in chicken, instead of breadcrumbs, the rind is made from ground almonds and flaxseed (or any ground nuts) and then it is not fried in oil but baked in the oven on paper. This is a great recipe for those who are on the so-called. keto or Atkins diets with low carbohydrate intake. Instead of mayonnaise, avocado is used, which has a lot of healthy Omega3 fats, and because of the taste, only one teaspoon of mayonnaise is added to it - so that it tastes like 100% mayonnaise. And instead of french fries extra protein - chanterelle mushrooms with onions and a little cooking cream. The whole point of this combination is to find the golden mean between an extremely unhealthy option and some realistic rather than ideal one. It is

Ajvar sauce
best suited with cooked meat, but also goes with fried chicken, turkey, ...

Ajvar steak
When you want lunch without a lot of work..or steak in a slightly different way ... here are some ideas ....

Alloy nettle soup
Spring is the time when we should take advantage of the benefits that nature offers us. So go for a walk, pick young nettles and prepare a delicious cream soup that will be hard to resist.

Almond and coconut bread
Suitable for people suffering from celiac disease or for those who are on a paleo diet, but it is also good for everyone else :)

Almond and dark chocolate cream
We can also call it healthy Nutella.

Almond and orange cake
The combination of nuts and oranges is always a win-win, in a gourmet sense, especially if it has the shape of a cake. The special feature of this cake is that the whipped cream is not an integral part of it, but is served separately.

Almond bread
One diet bread

Almond cake
Simple and rich, just like the last 40 years of His life :) That is why this cake was under the flame of birthday candles today. They were extinguished in one breath, with a little help from those who made them rich that year :))))

Almond-coconut cake (without flour)!
Ever since I tried the wonderful Sneca cake with poppy seeds without flour, and my coco-almond cake without flour, I have been delighted, with the taste and juiciness of this type of cake! flour in your diet.