Rosa Cooking

Lasagna Carbonara

Searching the internet I found lasagna with this name… As we are big fans of lasagna, I had to try them. I just reduced the amount of some ingredients and increased some others, and adjusted to our taste :)))

Preparation steps

  • Prepare lasagna crusts according to instructions.
  • Fry the chopped garlic in the heated oil for a very short time and add the chopped champignons. Fry them for about 15 minutes and add the chopped ham and smoked meat and fry briefly. Season to taste and add the cooked tomatoes mixed with a teaspoon of sugar. Remove from the heat and mix in the sour cream. Combine everything well, cool a bit and arrange the lasagna.
  • Grease the refractory dish a little, put the crust, pour over the sauce and sprinkle richly with grated Gouda. Do the same with all the crusts and sauce. Sprinkle grated Gouda on top and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Be careful not to burn the upper crust and, if necessary, reduce the temperature and bake further to 150 degrees until yellow.
  • Serve slightly chilled so you can cut.
  • Supetarka


If you like, you can add a little more Kecap to the sauce. I also poured sauce over the top and only then added gouda.


lasagna lasagne lunch pasta

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