Kıymalı Yumurtalı Karadeniz Pidesi (Black Sea Pide with Egg)
Beautiful pide.
Preparation steps
- Make the dough: Put milk and water in a bowl to heat together, to cool slightly. Put the liquid in a deeper bowl in which you will mix the dough, then add sugar, salt, instant yeast, olive oil, mix well and gradually add flour, mixing until you get a pizza-like hardness. Leave on warm to double the volume, about 40 min. Meanwhile, sauté the meat: Finely chop the onion and paprika. Heat a stream of olive oil in a pan and fry the sliced vegetables on it. ten minutes until the meat changes color. Add spices, salt, stir well. Allow to cool slightly.
- Divide the dough into four parts. Roll out each part as in the picture, so that the thickness of the dough does not exceed 1 cm.
- Place sliced cheese on the bottom of the dough, then place the meat, being careful not to cover the edges as in the picture.
- Bend the edges of the dough upwards to get drawers, lightly twist the tops on the spice. Coat the pides with a little beaten egg, then place them in a preheated oven at 200C until the dough gets colored. Take out the pide. Slightly move the meat in the middle and break one egg in each pid. Push the egg white over the meat so that it covers it as much as possible so that it does not dry out during baking. Bake the pide for another 10 minutes until the egg is fried.
Slice the pide and serve warm with sour peppers, tomatoes and l.