Rosa Cooking

Kozinjak (Milibrod)

Here's how my mom has been preparing a millibrod for years, and of course me now :)))) With a glass of warm milk ... perfectly mmmmm

Preparation steps

  • First, beat the eggs well with the sugar, then add the other ingredients and knead the dough, which you will leave to rise for about 1/2 hour. Then cook the poppy seeds with sugar and milk, when it thickens, leave to cool.
  • Now knead the dough and divide it into 3 parts. Then divide each part into 3 more parts. Now, with the help of a rolling pin, separate the crusts, coat with the filling or jam and roll up the crusts, then braid the braid. You will get 3 braids.
  • Place the braids on oiled baking paper and coat them with egg, sprinkle with sesame and poppy seeds and leave them to rise for 20 minutes, then put them in a preheated oven for 10 minutes at 200 c, and then reduce to 180 c for another 35- 40 min. Cover them with aluminum foil so that they do not burn.


With a glass of warm milk or tea.Enjoy :)

