Kinder Pinguin Cake
I found this recipe on the internet and tried various Kinder Pinguin cake recipes, but none of them are even equal to it. A cake that is ideal for children's birthdays, kids will be happy =))
Preparation steps
- Preparation: Preheat the oven to 175 ° C. Line the bottom of the cake tin (28 cm) with baking paper
- Dough: Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix and sift flour, cocoa and baking powder. Egg whites together with a little salt make firmly. Mix the egg yolks together with the sugar and hot water until creamy (about 2-3 minutes). Add the mixture of flour and 1/3 of egg whites to the egg yolks and mix briefly with a mixer on the lowest speed. Then add the rest of the egg whites and stir with a snow whisk. Not with a mixer! Pour the dough into a mold, flatten and put in the oven for about 40 minutes. Leave the baked biscuit to cool. Cut it once and place the lower part on a plate and a hoop of mold around it. Pour 5 tablespoons of chocolate sauce over the biscuit and coat with half of the cream.
- Cream: Pour 6 tablespoons of cold water over the powdered gelatin and leave it to swell. Meanwhile, make the sweet cream together with the svanilin sugar, sugar and honey firmly. Put the gelatine on the stove and melt over low heat. Add 4 tablespoons of cream, mix well and pour the gelatin slowly into the rest of the cream, stirring constantly.
- Coating: Finely chop the chocolate. Heat the butter, oil and water well. Remove from the stove, add the chocolate and continue to stir until the chocolate has melted. Allow to cool slightly. Then pour the coating over the cream and leave the cake in the fridge for about 10 minutes to cool. Take the cake out of the fridge and coat with the rest of the cream. Place the biscuit on top of the cream and pour 5 tablespoons of the chocolate sauce over it.
- Glaze: Finely chop the chocolate. Mix butter and cocoa and heat on the stove. Then remove from the stove, add the chocolate and stir until the chocolate has melted. Pour the icing over the cake and leave it in the fridge overnight.
- Note: when you want to get a thicker biscuit, it is too recommended to make a dose and a half. As for the unsweetened cream, it is very difficult to find, but even if you put the candied it will not be a problem, because it is still tasty and not too sweet. * According to this recipe, I also make a Kinder Pinguin cake, only then 1 liter of sweet cream does not go, but half 0.50 l.