Rosa Cooking

Imperial gnocchi without potatoes

Friendship knows no bounds… so there is nothing less on these pages… as my Smile made flakes with cabbage, so I made these gnocchi, for UH day, without potatoes with cabbage, so I thank her for this idea… thank you my dear friend… :))

Preparation steps

  • Sift the flour.
  • On low heat, boil water with butter / margarine and salt.
  • When it boils, remove from the heat, and gradually add about 300 g of sifted flour, stirring constantly. Return to the heat and stir for another 2 minutes.
  • Allow to cool (lukewarm as it is), transfer to a mixing bowl, add oil, egg and p.p. and mix everything well into a homogeneous mixture for about 5 minutes.
  • Gradually add the flour, mix while you can, and later shake it out on the work surface and continue to knead with your hands.
  • Leave about 200 g of flour on the side and add if necessary, but it is more for rolling gnocchi before cooking. The dough should not be too hard or too soft to stick, but rather tender and pliable.
  • Shape the gnocchi as desired.
  • Boil water, add a little salt and oil, put gnocchi in boiling water and when they float, take them out of the water.


Serve with goulash, or whatever you like, and I served them with stewed sweet cabbage… picture of gnocchi before cooking already tried by my wonderful cool girls…


dumplings gnocchi lunch noodles pasta salty side dish slanodrbisa tried try1

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