Rosa Cooking

Ice wind with raspberries


Preparation steps

  • Whisk the egg whites firmly with a pinch of salt, stir until you can rub on the egg whites. Then add the sugar slowly and stir all the time and finally add the vinegar and stir for another 5-10 minutes. Preheat the oven to 150C and coat the large baking tray with oil and put the baking paper so put the egg white mixture flatten and dry for 1h at 150C.When baked and get a golden color turn off and leave to cool in the oven.Do not open the oven while the crust is drying.
  • For the egg yolk cream, mix with the sugar, vanilla sugar, vanilla butter and flour. Put the milk to boil and separate 2-3 tablespoons of milk into the egg yolk and mix everything well. When the milk boils, remove from the heat and reduce the heat. and stir constantly until it thickens. Leave the cream to cool, then add the margarine to the cold.
  • Whip the vanilla cream according to the instructions. Whip the whipped cream and add a few raspberries and mix.
  • When the crusts have cooled, cut them lengthwise into 3 parts. Fill: peel-cream-raspberry-vanilla cream peel-cream-raspberry-vanilla cream peel-cream-raspberry whipped cream
  • decorate as desired ...


cool the cake well and serve ...


cake mom raspberries without

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