Rosa Cooking


This is a traditional cake that our grandmothers made. No wedding could go by without this being on the table. You just have to be patient and success is guaranteed !!!

Preparation steps

  • Procedure
  • Put all the ingredients except the flour in a suitable bowl. Mix them with a wooden spoon, then add as much flour as the dough requires (because it all depends on the size of the eggs). Roll the dough out on a floured board. Process it further with your hands (it should not be too hard).
  • Now divide the dough into 7-8- balls. Coat each ball with oil so that it does not dry out, leave it to rest for about 1/2 hour.
  • Roll out the rested dough as thin as possible with a roller (you can also roll it out a bit with your hands, as when you stretch the crust, because the dough must be quite thin).
  • Cut the rolled dough with a special wheel (for cutting ravioli), into strips two fingers wide and about 10 centimeters long, which you cut in the middle about 5 cm in length. Thread the ends through the notched middle.
  • Immediately place the crusts formed in this way in the oven in hot oil (the pan must be wide and well filled with oil approx. 2.5 l), taking care not to turn yellow but to remain light yellow. Turn them with a slotted spoon to bake evenly for about 1-1.5 min.
  • Take them out and place on a paper towel to soak up excess fat. In the end, sprinkle them generously with powdered sugar! (The easiest way to sprinkle sugar on them is to put it in a strainer and sprinkle it evenly over the crisps). I mix crystal sugar with 3-4 bags of vanilla sugar and grind it in a coffee grinder, so that it is not very "powdery" but a little bigger and the aroma of sugar is better.
  • Our grandmothers rolled all this by hand, you can, if you have a dough machine, make a very thin dough like lasagna !!!!


Good apetite


carnival classic crostule desserts hrostule

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