Honey fruit and nut chicken salad ....
Wonderful chicken salad with dried fruit and nuts and a wonderful honey dressing ... Great salad if you have chicken left over for lunch or dinner, so you can use it for this salad ..
Preparation steps
- Cut the chicken into small pieces. It is best to use the meat from the thigh and chicken breast. I cut the meat into small pieces and you can, if you like, larger pieces, then cut into larger pieces.
- Finely chop the spring onions, dried apricots and walnuts. You do not have to chop the dried cranberries, but add them whole. Add all this mixture of dried fruit to the chopped chicken.
- Dressing: in a bowl add mayonnaise, sour cream, honey, pepper and just a pinch of salt (pinch). Mix everything well together and add to the chopped chicken.
You can also use turkey or turkey. Instead of regular mayonnaise you can use light mayo ..