Rosa Cooking

Gumpaste decoration, bass relief, bird and peach blossoms

Instructions for making, This can also be made from other decorating masses (marzipan, ratluk mass, fondant, etc.). Of course, the flowers look best if they are made of rubber, it is not critical for other parts.

Preparation steps

  • Thinly roll out the blue gum, cut a circle. Thinly roll out the green rubbery embossed design and make a frame around the blue. Shade the blue part with blue powder and expose it to water vapor to combine the color for a little shine. Allow to dry.
  • Form two branches out of brown gum and glue them to the desired position on the blue part. Paint three more branches brown with liquid paint and shade two rubbery branches and leave to dry. Then carefully mix the white and pink, to get a light pink of the same shade as the gummy, also for the green. Paint the flowers bright pink. Wait for the paint to dry, then paint the center of the flower a darker pink and add a couple of brown dots (for the tips of the anthers), like this. Then paint the leaves and calyx where you need light green.
  • Take the pink anthers five at a time, fold them in half (there are anthers on both sides) and wrap them in burgundy floral ribbon. Paint pink for a darker shade and light brown tops. Leave it to dry, then cut off the excess and fasten it with a little more floral tape.
  • Shape the buds out of the gummy rice, shade a little with pink powder paint and stick the green gumpy calyx. Thinly roll out the pink gums and cut the flowers into five petals, then fold them in half and stick the calyx. For open flowers, make a small cup of pink gum, cut them in, cut five petals with scissors, fix their shape and part them. Fix the opening in the middle, insert the eyelets, shade the center with pink powder, glue the green calyx on the back. Flowers and buds are exposed to water vapor to color and blend. Glue as desired on the prepared branches of gumpasta, leave room for the bird. Make a couple of leaves out of green gumpasta and glue them, like this.
  • For the bird, shape the legs out of brown gum and glue them to the branch. Also shape the beak. Mix brown and white to get a light brown shade and shape the bird's body from it. Attach the beak. For the long feathers on the tail and on the wings, thinly roll out the light brown gumpasta, then cut out the shape of a maragrete, separate the petals one by one, part a little and here are the long feathers. For small feathers, thinly roll out the gummy cut shapes into which to press the vein infestations and the lepitina bird. Dip a hole in your head into a brown eye patch. Shade the bird with dark yellow and brown powder, expose it to water vapor to combine the colors. Paint the eye with black liquid paint and add a dot of white paint. Stick the bird over the branch, it's over


alek castor sugar decorations instructions

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