Guacamole Ice Cream
This was love at first sight! I remember how happy I was to rush to make this ice cream as soon as I saw a picture and an opportunity of it somewhere on the net :) I liked it very much :) And I still like it :)
Preparation steps
- Peel an avocado and grate it. Put avocado, lemon zest and juice of both milks in a blender and pulse - until the mixture becomes finely creamy. Now add lightly mixed sweet cream, chopped strawberries and mint leaves to all this. Combine everything, transfer to a container in which it will go in the refrigerator for at least 4-6 hours. If, on the other hand, you make a sweet "guaca" in a grinder, follow the instructions that came with your machine (it will take you much less time). If you want, you can put the mixture in the freezer for a couple of hours.
- Enjoy :)
- Creamy Mango Ice Cream Jogoslajo