Griliaz cake (fasting)
The most beautiful fasting chocolate cake ....
Preparation steps
- CRUST: Combine all ingredients and bake two crusts at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes.
- GRILL: Melt the sugar to caramelize nicely, add the margarine and pour over each crust.
- CHOCOLATE COVER: Melt the chocolate with the margarine and pour over the grill (both crusts).
- CREAM: Melt the alva with the other ingredients and cool.
- SLAG: Whisk the slag with acidic water.
- RARE: Bark - griliaz - chocolate crust - cream - slag - crust - grilijaz - chocolate crust - cream - slag Decorate as desired with icing and chocolate ..
- To enjoy..
It is best to prepare a few days in advance, so that everything is nicely combined, the grill softens and the crust is soaked ... It is a wonderful cake, beautiful ..