Gravce tavce
Macedonian traditional eating is cooked in every hook, especially on Fridays and during Lent. They give a special taste. The best gravce tavce is when it is boiled with spring water and on a stove on wood.
Preparation steps
- The gravity is put to boil and after it boils for a few minutes and lets go of the golden color, the first water is boiled, then new hot water and chromium are added and it is boiled on a whisk. in the possibility. Since it is digested, it is placed in an earthen pan.
- In a pan, chop the young onion with feathers and fry on a whisk.
- Add a spoonful of flour to the onion and fry it again.
- Then add a teaspoon of red pepper and mix very little on a plate so as not to burn.
- The spray is placed in the gravity that was previously in the earthen pan with a spoon on all the same.
- The beans are seasoned, chopped fresh mint is added, they are mixed and ready for the oven.
- As soon as the water rises, it will be over.
You can eat who, when and how you like fish with fresh salad during Lent, etc.