Rosa Cooking

GEODe BAKERY blue fossils))

We are not only in the kitchen when we are hungry, we are there when we need peace or focus on some thought and cooling our heads, and here is a wonderful reason to play and create delicious pastries that I called geod fossils * blue ... Geod is so in, who likes it, and who wouldn't, when we rush into the moment and start the imagination, with a little coconut flour and olive oil, color ... think of it yourself ... the basic recipe can be this one of mine ... I'm not exactly heston blumental, but I play se .. kulka cool blue)))

Preparation steps

  • I start the dough with a bag of yeast to which I add a little yellow sugar (always healthier yellow) and a little warm milk, I mix and leave, sometimes I forget ... But this time I measure the flour because I mix it sharply, coconut and smooth, so no more than 400 g, because while you are developing it, we always add a few more amounts with our hands. I mixed 70 g of coconut into regular flour, and the one from the store, so you can grind it in a good mill, but I left it as it was bought, because it's actually grated coconut and I added it because of the aroma and brittleness of the dough. So weigh a mixture of smooth and sharp and coconut flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in the bowl, just a little, add two whole eggs to the cavity, turmeric because of the yellow color, ten grams, so not much because it is very aromatic. and olive oil, or someone else if you don't have the same, but olive has such a nice note of blue in it, Mediterranean ... a little vanilla sugar or vanilla extract (of course, I put both ingredients, I like the knead the dough, this times it's so crispy, soft, that it can be with a food processor or your favorite fork, I have a favorite spoon when I mix it, everything works ... blue secret ingredient hehe and of course, I act testatso, I put it in a lukewarm oven to rise .. if he wants)) ... it is soft and crispy, tasty and like this ...
  • While it heats up and grows, rests a bit, make the filling, I take the precious mascarpone I made earlier and keep it for special moments, now the inspiration is there ..., I add edible blue colors, a touch, egg yolks, vanilla and , yes, still, a piece of feta cheese to salt a little sweet, of course, powdered sugar at will, at least a hundred grams, if you haven't run a lot to sweeten the dough, now add more sugar to the cheese, anyway the filling is always liquid, because it goes grated apple and a sprig of cinnamon, so you get a soft turquoise creamy cheese structure for filling pastries. These are those turquoise roses that become fossil stones among other rocks ....)))
  • The dough is soft, made of coconut and sharp flour very crispy, without nervousness, please ... now we are shaping the Paleozoic so there must be a bit of tearing ... hehe Roll out the dough and act like you are making rolls or roses, you have to have the initial shape I made candies and roses for Nina and Katarinci first, although the crispy dough is harder to bend, stretch an elongated ellipse, spread it with turquoise filling, coating, dough wheel or knife, cut the slices and fold them lengthwise, then widthwise, add a little more filling before the new overlap, because after the bed bug, roses are interesting in two colors, like some crystals turn blue .. If you get tired, take a cookie cutter and cut hearts a little thicker biscuits or continue modeling, the dough is soft and easy to shape , coconut and vanilla smell, the colors are beautiful ... The oven is already warm, they don't need more than 15 to eighteen minutes because it's crispy, I complicated it, so after ten minutes I took them out and coated them with egg and butter, to have a shine like some glacier rocks ... however you are in the mood, so u you do
  • Because you are Heston, if Blumental can, so can coolke *)))
  • Of course, place them lightly and carefully on a darker surface, ceramic or metal, you can paint them but be careful not to break the shapes because these are real surprises, when they come out of the oven ...
  • They can also be used as decorations on eco cakes and tarts, they are natural, and you can also color them with fruit or vegetables, I use a little dr etker, I like blue..and I'm still looking for that tone in organic substances..except the , blue cool)))


These geod biscuits, ie pastries, are served in an unusual way, place them in a decorated corner of the living room or terrace, on a damask cloth or mat from some of your favorite fabrics, silk and surround them with objects, trifles, confuse guests, let them admire your paleontological excavations.

