Rosa Cooking

Gastro - statements :)))))

We have "difficult" days ahead of us;) A holiday table is waiting for us, and many times :)))) Food, of course, inspires - both known and unknown, both famous and infamous ... Enjoy the holidays! :)

Preparation steps

  • When you're the best at eating and drinking, you can't be the best at anything else. "(Henry IV of France)" A coin will take you to the subway, and garlic will give you a seat. "(An old New York saying)" Food has an important role in proper nutrition. "(Fran Lebowitz)" The main postulate of a nutritionist seems to be: if it tastes good, it's bad for health. "(Isaac Asimov)" A new British study found that 9 out of 10 respondents like chocolate. The tenth is lying. "(Robert Paul)" Modern cooking, translated into rough, reads: I can't believe I paid almost $ 600 and I'm still hungry !!! "(Mike Kalin)" The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, you drink what you don't like and do things you'd rather not. "(Mark Twain)" No one in the world is stronger than a man who stops at a grain of peanuts. "(Channing Pollock)" My favorite animal is - steak! "(Fran Lebowitz)" I've never met chocolate that I didn't like. "(Deanna Troi)" They say red meat is harmful, but I have to admit I've never seen a tiger that looks sick. "(Chi Chi Rodriguez)" Anything I eat, some doctor has declared it a deadly poison, and everything I do not eat has been declared necessary for life. But I'm still alive. "(George Bernard Shaw)" Ice cream is so great it's a shame it's not illegal. "(Voltaire)" The ideal number for dinner is two - me and a damn good head waiter. "(Nubar Gulbenkian (1896 -1972), Turkish oil tycoon) "The quality of food in a restaurant is inversely proportional to the size of the pepper bowl." (Klotz's law) "The older you are, the harder it is to lose weight. That’s because your body and your fat are making solid friends. ”(Unknown author)“ I’m in shape. It is a round shape. "(Unknown author)" One of the greater secrets of life is how a kilogram of sweets can make us gain two kilograms. "(Unknown author)" The devil has punished everything we enjoy in life. Either our health suffers, or our souls suffer, or we gain weight. "(Albert Einstein)" I didn't fight to get to the top of the food pyramid to become a vegetarian! "(Anonymous author)" You can say that you are strong if you can break chocolate on pieces with your own hands, and then eat only one piece. "(Judith Viorst)" The most dangerous food is cake. Wedding. "(American saying)


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