Rosa Cooking

Game with garlic

dinner for a great team, who visited me last weekend ... "birthday dinner" .. I treat .. roast wild boar leg with garlic and beer ... :).

Preparation steps

  • we had a smaller leg than a wild boar ... wash the leg, dry it with a paper cloth .. cut the bacon into thin strips .. make a few holes in the leg with a thin knife, then add a strip of bacon to each hole .. put the leg on a baking sheet .. then marinade of oil, grated garlic, pepper and salt .. massage the thigh well with the marinade .. cover the tray with foil, put it in a cool place - fridge or now during the winter outside (so-called bio fridge)
  • the next day, preheat the oven to 160 degrees .. add a few grains of cumin, sliced ​​onion and 3 cloves of garlic to the pan with the ham, pour a glass and a half of water over it .. cover with aluminum foil .. bake for about 45 minutes
  • after 45 minutes turn the thigh, pour beer, cover, bake for about 45 minutes .. then turn the thigh again, put the oven at 170 degrees and bake until the meat is soft .. however turn the thigh and pour the juice .. if necessary add a little water * All in the meat is roasted for about 2.5 hours .. it depends on the size of the thigh ...
  • dumplings .. like this, fast .. classic .. recipe for quick dumplings can be found in this recipe:
  • greens .. classic sauerkraut .. heat the fat in a pot, fry the onion, a tablespoon of flour, fry well, then add finely chopped sauerkraut, water, cumin .. cook on low heat for 15 minutes .. add a little sugar to taste .. ( we love soft greens and little sweet greens)
  • serve warm .. with a glass of beer or wine .. juice .. whatever he likes :)


Good apetite! :)


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