Fasting sarmice with raštan
I heard an interesting story about parting. It is said that whenever the slave food was on the table for the slave owners, the slaves who prepared it drank the water in which the food was cooked, and were healthier than the slave owners. Either way, raštan is known for its exceptional nutritional value and significant amount of vitamins and minerals. Here is a simple recipe that will delight our stomachs.
Preparation steps
- Wash the raštan, remove the hard part from each leaf with a knife and blanch it. Set aside the water from cooking the raštana.
- Wash leeks and carrots and chop finely. Saute them in a little oil. Then add the washed rice and fry for a few more minutes, stirring. Add salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley and remove from the heat.
- Fill each raštana leaf with a full spoonful of fillet and wrap it in sarmica. Arrange in a greased fireproof dish. Mix half a glass of white wine with a glass of water from cooking raštana and pour over sarmica. There should be enough fluids to soak the sarmis.
- Cover the firebox and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about half an hour. Towards the end of baking, remove the lid and leave the sauerkraut in the oven for another five minutes to bake finely.
You can also fill these sarmis with minced meat and serve them with sour milk. We chose the fasting variant, with a fine salad. Pleasant!