Elderberry jam and apple jam
A great recipe for fans of calling, in this jam her taste is very pronounced!
Preparation steps
- It is called to clean the inflorescences from bugs, remove the green stalks, and put the flowers in a pot. Add the juice of one half of a lemon. Boil 1/2 l of water and pour over the call and cover. Let stand 24 hours.
- The next day the apples are washed and cut into cubes. I did not peel the bark because it had a nice red-pink color. Immediately pour the juice from the other half of the lemon, if desired, grate a little lemon zest. Boil the apple pieces in a bowl with a thick bottom, together with 350 g of sugar. Cook for 15 minutes. During this time, strain the call in gauze and squeeze out all the juice.
- Using a stick mixer, chop a part of the apples (or all without pieces). To this add the filtered concentrate of called, let it boil again. Put jam-fix with 1 tablespoon of sugar in a cup. When the jam boils, add the jam-fix and cook for another 3 minutes (or as ordered by the packaging). Pour into hot sterilized jars and turn upside down to vacuum and cool.
- I got two medium jars and another bowl (pictured). The jam is pink due to the apple peel :)
This jam is moderately sweet, if you want sweeter use jam-fix 2: 1 or 1: 1. The jam is 100% impregnated with called concentrate, for a milder taste, reduce the amount of called, but not less than 5 inflorescences.