# decorations

3D cake
Instructions for 3D cakes.

3D cakes - instructions for making using rice krispie treats
Instructions for making a cake where some parts (head and the like) are made of rice crispie treats to make them lighter and that everything can hold its shape.

3D cakes, tips and useful little things
Various little additions that I learned on newer cakes, not to write a few recipes in particular, here it is all in one place

3D double star
Here is another decorative star. To make it you need a little patience, will, paper, scissors and glue!

3D greeting card
I saw this greeting card for the first time working on the Crayoli-kids site. They worked with plain colored paper and decorated it with felt-tip pens. My children worked that way, because it's easier for them. I brought in some new material.

A basket with a fruit bouquet
The thing is very simple - you only need a few fruits, a little imagination and patience and believe me - children will love fruits that they might not normally eat !!! or surprise a friend with a slightly different birthday bouquet, or simply beautify your festive table….

A bee cake or bees among flowers
There are about 20,000 species of bees in the world… they live on all continents except Antarctica…. The Bee Movie (if you haven't seen it, look - it's really cute) is dedicated to those little valuable honeycombs ... and with the movie sweeten yourself with this cake…

A bee egg
one idea for a more colorful Easter

A bird of paradise
The harmony of colors of the exotic fruit arranged on this delicacy, really inspires the bird of paradise. My virtual friend from Sweden sponsored this treat and named it THE BIRD OF PARADISE. I think she was right, right !?

A bouquet of dried leaves
antirecept ...

A cake for a dear friend
The cake was made on the occasion of a joyful event, the birth of a cute little girl, and is basically a recipe for Katarina's cake.

A cake for success
A gift to a hard-working girl for a successful diploma. She graduated from the University of Finance.

A cake of a thousand flowers.
For this five-story cake, it took me about 50 working hours for which I do not regret a single minute .. Here is the real picture that the professional took. there is a big difference in the ratio of my pictures .. but the cake is the same .. ;-)

Accordion of a small pie
I have three crusts of pie dough left and so I have been thinking for a long time to try these unusual pies that come together in an unusual way and here I am to present them to you. I saw the idea on FB.

A chocolate cone from the magic forest
It's so effective that I couldn't resist it, I had to have it on my table this Christmas !!

A clock made of dough
The watch is made of so-called salt dough. Serves of course for decoration. I made it 5 years ago and of course it can last longer… And it is not eaten! I also made a jug and a tray that can serve as a decor for your cookies or whatever you want.