Rosa Cooking

Danish bakery roscici

Treat your family to these roscici, which you can spread with various spreads or serve with a favorite stew. We were delighted by the softness and good taste, which remains in the mouth even after you have swallowed the last bite.

Preparation steps

  • Broken wheat grains / razi - put to boil with (for a start 4.5 dl is enough) water, about 5 min. So much is enough for purchased cereals, which have already been processed. If you have home-grown cereals, they need to be soaked in water to soften a bit and then boiled briefly. Knead the buttermilk immediately, and leave the mixture to cool, ie to be lukewarm to the touch of a little finger.
  • Crumble the yeast into the lukewarm mixture, add the other ingredients and the remaining 1/2 dl of water. Knead the dough, if you have a bread machine, with a mixer or by hand, until you get a soft and just a little sticky dough. If necessary, add more water. I added an extra 1 dl, which is not listed in the recipe. Maybe it’s because of the razi, which I used instead of wheat.
  • Cover the dough with cling film and leave in a warm place to double in volume, about 1/2 hour. I preheat the oven to the lowest initial temperature, 40 degrees and put it there to come. So the dough rises better and faster because the temp. immutable.
  • Divide the dough into 4 equal balls, which you mix into a little flour. Leave them for 5 min. to rest. Meanwhile, prepare two large baking trays, which you cover with baking paper. Mix egg yolk and milk. Chop the sunflower seeds.
  • Roll out the dough balls into a circle, about 30 cm in diameter. Cut into 6 parts (triangles). Roll each triangle a little more in length with a roller and wrap it tightly from the wider end in a roscic. You can wrap the thin ends underneath, if you want, I didn’t. Coat with beaten egg yolk and milk. Roll in sunflower seeds or something else of your choice and arrange on a baking sheet. Leave in a warm place (in my oven at 40 degrees), about half an hour.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 200 * C (warm air), or at 220 * C (ordinary oven), about 15 min. Cool on a wire rack.


bagel bakeries buns muffins rolls

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