Rosa Cooking


Wonderfully fragrant pastry

Preparation steps

  • preparation: first melt the yeast in water, whisk the eggs with a fork..add sugar, melted butter, milk, yeast and can do without but it gives it that smell..from which the whole house smells while baking ... and finally add flour and knead the dough ... let it rise nicely ..
  • tear the noodles and make ... (see in the picture how) 15 small ones or maybe one big braid in which one boiled red egg is put at the beginning .. (that is when it is made for Easter) and then cut into slices bread ..
  • leave it to grow again, approximately to afterwards it will be fibrous and porous..coat with egg before baking .. (I am not) in the picture
  • when it grows in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes ... be careful not to burn it, it quickly gets colored


this pastry can stand for a long time, it is also great with e.cream for children..and you can always reheat it in m.wave and it will be like on the first day