Rosa Cooking

Çıtır Karnabahar / Turkish cauliflower balls

Fine cauliflower dish. Balls rolled in fine pasta and fried served with yogurt, famous.

Preparation steps

  • Clean the breeze on the flowers. In a pot, boil water with salt and lemon juice, then add the cauliflower flowers, let it cook for 5 minutes, maybe a little longer to cook. Drain the cauliflower and put it in a mixing bowl. Squeeze the cauliflower with a fork, then add grated onion, bread crumbs, flour, salt, pepper, thyme, cumini, one egg. Knead a medium-hard mixture that can be shaped into balls, make balls of most walnuts. Heat the oil in a deep small frying pan. First roll the balls in fine soup pasta and then fry for a few minutes in deep oil. Remove and drain on kitchen paper.


cauliflower karnabahar turskii

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