Rosa Cooking

Classic tomato-basil soup by Jamie Oliver

Another of his wonderful recipes. For all beginners there is a step by step ..

Preparation steps

  • Celery, carrots, onions and garlic chop.
  • In a large bowl, heat a little olive oil, add the garlic and simmer briefly, just enough to smell. Add other vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Pour a can of tomatoes into the softened vegetables (I used mashed tomatoes this time) and mix everything.
  • put fresh tomatoes in a bowl. Pour in the chicken stock, season and cook for about 20 minutes.
  • Add basil leaves to the soup.
  • Mix everything together with a stick mixer.
  • Serve the soup in bowls, season with fresh pepper if desired, pour a few drops of olive oil and add a few more basil leaves.



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