Chocolate trilogy
Dark, milk and white chocolate mousse on a chocolate biscuit.
Preparation steps
- Biscuit: Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with butter and cut 23 cm diameter greaseproof paper and put it in the mold. Grease the paper. Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt. Melt the dark chocolate, butter and steamed milk chocolate. When it melts, remove from the heat. Allow to cool. Put eggs, sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla in a mixing bowl. Mix for about a minute and a half at maximum speed until thick. Add the melted chocolate to the egg mixture and stir on medium speed for 30 seconds. Add the sifted ingredients, mix on low speed for 10 seconds and then medium for another 10 seconds. Add sour cream and milk and mix on medium speed for 5 seconds. Turn off the mixer and stir once more to combine the ingredients. Pour the mixture into a mold and bake for about 30-40 minutes. Check with a toothpick. Cool in the mold for 5-10 minutes. Remove the mold and cool to room temperature. Straighten the crust with crust wires.
- Mousse: First a mousse is made from dark chocolate, then milk and then from white. Refrigerate the mixing bowl in the refrigerator or freezer. This is done to make the sweet cream mix faster. Melt the chocolate in a steamer. Remove the bowl with the chocolate and leave to cool. Leave the bowl of water on the hob for the next step. Put egg yolks, eggs, vanilla extract and sugar in a steaming bowl. Stir by hand on steam until the sugar melts and the eggs become hot to the touch. Remove from the steam and mix the eggs at maximum speed until the mixture turns pale yellow and begins to separate into strips. This should take 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a chilled mixing bowl, beat the sweet cream on medium speed. Set aside. When the egg mixture is done add the chocolate all at once. It is very important that the chocolate is chilled a little above body temperature when you add it to the eggs or it will separate. Also, do it very quickly. Add ½ whipped sweet cream to the chocolate and egg mixture and mix quickly by hand (6-10 turns of hand will suffice). Then gently add to the rest of the whipped cream and stir by hand to combine the mass. So, you will repeat this step three times for all three types of chocolate separately.
- I made it with only 2 layers, ie mousse made of dark chocolate and white, and it turned out great, and I spent less time. Here is a picture of the "twology": D
When the crust has cooled return the mold and put in the dark chocolate mousse. Put everything together for a minimum of 1 hour in the fridge, after which the milk chocolate mousse is placed, and after it has cooled in the fridge for an hour, put the final layer of white chocolate.