Chocolate Muffins (Koncita Coko Muffini)
I tried these great muffins for the first time in France and I really liked them, and I got the recipe from a beautiful lady, so I named them Koncita after her! You can find this cookie under a lot of names like Lava Cake, AKA Petit Gateau or Moelleux au Chocolat, and whatever name you use you can just enjoy .... "Simply put ... everyone has a price, mine is chocolate!" - Anonymous
Preparation steps
- Break up the chocolate and add the chopped butter, then put in the microwave for a minute and a half to melt the ingredients. You can also do this on money. Mix the butter and chocolate to get a smooth mixture, if you are using plain butter now add a pinch of salt. Add the sugar and mix with a whisk, just long enough for the ingredients to come together. Then add one egg at a time and after each time mix briefly with a whisk to combine the ingredients. Finally, mix in the smooth flour. Fill the silicone molds to 3/4 full. Leave the filled mold in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes ... I usually leave them for at least 1 hour, and it can be longer without any problems. Remove the rack from the oven and preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Put the silicone mold on the rack and put it all together in the hot oven! Bake for 8-9 minutes. I baked for exactly 9 minutes, the middle of it has to stay "alive", unbaked. Leave the mold to cool for at least 5 minutes so you can take out the cookie.
- You can serve them still warm with vanilla and caramel ice cream or with chilled vanilla cream, and add fresh fruit such as raspberries!
- If you bake muffins in ceramic pots, pay attention to the size of the pots because it is important for the length of baking. I baked for 17-18 minutes because I have bigger dishes. I spread a little margarine on the dishes and sprinkled with cocoa. You can serve the muffins in bowls or take them out on a plate. When you take them out of the oven, let them cool for 5 minutes. If the muffins are a little sticky, lightly trim them with a knife. Serve warm. If you have a muffin left, just heat it a little in the microwave and decorate as desired!
- It is important to note that you are using very fine dark chocolate! Always use bitter chocolate because otherwise the cake will be too sweet for you!
Muffins can be prepared in advance and frozen. Before serving, put them in the microwave for 1 minute set to the defrost function, which is enough to make them lukewarm! They are always eaten here, so I never got to freeze them, but here are some tips if you need them!