Chicken Cartilage - Restaurant Chili`s
Delicious ....
Preparation steps
- Preparing the sauce: Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl. Cover and leave to cool until use.
- Heat the oil in a pan to 180 degrees.
- Mix beaten egg, chicken soup, milk, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Stir only until the salt dissolves. Mix one cup of flour (2 dl). Leave the dough to stand for 5 minutes.
- Roll each piece of chicken in flour (1/2 cup flour on a shallow plate about 1 dl), and dip the chicken in the dough. Place the chicken prepared in this way in deep oil and fry for up to 7 minutes or until the crust is golden. You should roast about 4 pieces of chicken at a time.
- Drain the chicken pieces on a paper towel from the excess fat.
Serve on a plate with the sauce on the side.