Rosa Cooking

Cheese dumplings (topfenknödel)

Light cheese flakes, whether stuffed with fruit or simply topped with some fruit topping ...

Preparation steps

  • Mix cottage cheese, eggs, semolina and a pinch of salt with a mixer and leave for 1/2 hour in the fridge.
  • Put the fruit of your choice in a blender or mix in a saucepan with a stick mixer, if it is too thick add sweet cream as needed, so that you get a medium-thick topping.
  • Mix ground almonds with cinnamon and powdered sugar.
  • With wet hands (this is mandatory because otherwise it is too nice) to form dumplings and put in slightly boiling water and cook until they float to the surface approx. 3-4 min, take out and roll in the almond mixture.


Serve as a main dish with a previously prepared fruit dressing ... melted chocolate, compote or whatever comes to mind ...


delicacy dumplings quark top dumplings

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