The other day I was left with a whole loaf of bread, half-white, I think I'll do with it; prezle I have quite enough, too bad to throw. I decided to make a bun, mine adore it. I’ll share my recipe with you, though I know you certainly have your own version.
Preparation steps
- Cut the bread into 1 cm thick slices, arrange them in a pre-greased with margarine pan or fireproof dish.
- Sprinkle with sugar and vanilla sugar, place marmalade alternately between slices of bread and pour milk over everything so that the bread absorbs.
- Make an egg well, mix it with sour cream and spread it on top of the bread.
- Bake in a hot oven at 180 for about 20 minutes.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.
You can also use all kinds of pastries for the bun.