Broccoli flan - foamy version
Again one in a series of oversimplified recipes. Tender broccoli (oh, watch me what terms I started to deal with) combined with cream and eggs, baked in the oven, turns into a compact foam - an ideal side dish with the moon!
Preparation steps
- separate the broccoli florets from the stalk, chop them freely, as they will mix later anyway; boil them in boiling water for 3 minutes; then transfer them to a wide pan where they sauté for a few minutes in butter; take them out and let them drain if necessary; they should be soft
- take a mixer and an apron; transfer the broccoli to a mixing bowl and start mixing; take a break from mixing, rest and in the meantime put those three eggs and cream in the broccoli; mix again;
- take a teflon baking bowl (I didn’t have it here, but you’re better off with teflon because you’ll find it easier to separate the broccoli from that pan later!); oil it well and gently pour the broccoli into a fireproof dish; I added my favorite spice mix (Provencal!)
- bake 30-40 min. at 180 degrees, pay close attention to what happens in the oven; I baked this for 35 minutes. because I like it to be a little baked (photo)
- when it is almost carefully peeled off the pan, take a plate, fold the pan out of the oven and turn it upside down so that the now compact broccoli slides out! (photo)
- you can cut into triangles or slices; my broccoli is called “broccoli foam”, it is soft, fine, it melts in your mouth; in this picture I served it with chicken