Blue eggplant caviar
This is the recipe of my wife, my dear friend Genoveva, I tried it today, and with her permission, I am copying the recipe for you. My dear, thank your wife for this wonderful recipe.
Preparation steps
- Wash 4 large aubergines, cut them in half lengthwise and sauté each half with 2-3 garlic cloves. Wrap in aluminum foil, place in a baking pan and bake for about 40 minutes in the oven at 200 * C
- When it is baked, take out the “flesh” of the blue eggplant with a spoon and fry it in olive oil (I fried it in grape seed oil). It can be fried first, a little bacon, and then the "meat" of eggplant. Mix everything, season to taste, serve on a plate, sprinkle with parsley leaves, put diced purple onions around to eat with black bread.
- Pleasant.
This can be served as a sandwich, as I did, or on small crackers, with tomato rings, rings of that little purple onion, pieces of prosciutto or sausage rings. Whatever you like. I would add very little lemon juice here, maybe 2 tablespoons.