lunch in Danish ....
Preparation steps
- First fry the bacon, until it turns yellow and set it aside while the rest is ready .... I use turkey bacon ....
- Peel an onion and cut it into small pieces, fry it a little, then add the meat cut into small cubes and fry everything a little, so that the meat changes color.
- Peel the potatoes and cut them into slightly larger cubes than are cut for the potatoes, add it to the meat, salt, pepper and fry over low heat, if necessary add a little water .... While frying, keep covered.
- Especially fry, eggs on the eye .... when the potatoes and meat are done. Put potatoes in a plate, sprinkle with chopped bacon and put an egg on top ....
Danes usually eat with sauerkraut, and it goes great together ....