Baklava basket
A perfect and very fast variant of traditional baklava.
Preparation steps
- Preheat oven to 175 degrees.
- In a bowl, mix the finely chopped walnuts, melted butter, honey and cinnamon.
- Remove the bark and place one leaf on a large cutting board (be sure to cover the remaining leaves with a damp cloth). Brush with melted butter. Arrange the second sheet on top of the first and repeat with the butter until you have 5-6 crusts on the board.
- Using a sharp knife, cut squares approx. 3x3cm. Spread butter on the holes on the mini muffin tray. Push one square into each hole and press lightly with your finger on the bottom and sides.
- Put the walnut mixture in baskets until filled. Bake until the baskets get a golden color, about 10 minutes.
Serve immediately!