Rosa Cooking

Baked teriyaki tuna

Continuation of the saga of two fresh tuna steaks and a never-before-seen raspberry dessert. Since this sauce has a higher concentration of sugar, and when baked, the meat is very shiny, the Japanese call it teriyaki, which in free translation means “brilliantly fried”. I’m prone to traditional recipes and dishes, but this dish is something that literally threw me off my feet. I have never eaten anything so fine!

Preparation steps

  • Mix all the ingredients for the teriyaki sauce and put the tuna in a bowl and pour the sauce over it. Leave for 8-10 hours, preferably overnight to marinate.
  • Drain the marinated tuna and fry it in a pan, on hot oil, on all sides.
  • Take the roasted tuna aside, pour the marinade into the pan and cook over low heat until you get a thick sauce.
  • Return the tuna to the pan and cook a little more. Serve with cooked rice.
  • I served it with stewed rice as in this recipe, but instead of onions I used leeks.


Wine is the best drink with fish. The recipe is partly based on a recipe, which I read in "24sata", and partly on a recipe by chef Alma Čatlak, presented in the show "Good morning Croatia".


fish marinade tuna

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