Baci Perugina (Baci Parudjina)
I saw this on an Italian site and it immediately caught my eye .. These are balls on the variation of the popular shopping dessert / search? q = baci + perugina & tbm = isch & tbo = u & source = univ & sa = X & ved = 0ahUKEwjW9ISBzfTVAhWiJZoKHU7NBxkQsAQIMA & biw = 1024 & bih = 662 .. Ja sam napravila ovaj put da probam i pravi sam kao popse .. I made a double measure because of this amount it turned out to be about 12 pieces .. and I needed a lot more ..
Preparation steps
- Melt the milk chocolate and steamed butter. Stir in the nutella and ground hazelnuts .. and put the mixture in the freezer for about 15 minutes .. I let it stand in the fridge for a while longer because my frieze is full. stay on top.
- Melt the chocolate in a steamer ... and pour over the balls, they should be completely covered. After I made the pops .. I made the balls..and left them in the fridge for a while longer .. and then I pressed the stick into the melted chocolate and put them in the balls and left them to squeeze well into the fridge and then poured them .. and decorated ..
- For a sweet table