Artichokes by Laura Santtini (carciofo Santtini)
This dish is a specialty of the Santtini restaurant, people from all over the world came to try this delicacy that is rich in u-mmami flavors. This is a favorite dish of the late Frank Sinatra (no wonder because it is rich in iron and all other ingredients for cleansing the body and also gives vital force to the body) .This dish takes some time to prepare, you can make a little more, artichokes tolerate reheating well, even freezing without losing on important ingredients.
Preparation steps
- Cut the sharp ends and stalks with the artichokes. Do not throw the sharp ends together after the artichokes, wash in water with a little vinegar (if there are inhabitants to come out), peel the stalks with a potato knife, wash and chop, set aside. Mix the crushed cube, parsley, garlic, bread crumbs, cheese, salt and pepper.
- Heat 4 tablespoons of oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, put the artichokes and fry them on each side, if it darkens a bit, don't worry because it will contribute to the taste, just don't let them burn. When they are baked, fill them with the filling as deep as you can. Leave a little of the mixture to add later. Turn them over and bake (if part of the hopes comes out it doesn't matter, it will improve the taste of the sauce). Pour a little more olive oil .Cook covered for some 1-1.5 h, until artichokes soften, basting with vegetable stock as needed.Cook them together with tops and stems. When cooked, take out the sauce together with the leaves, tops and stems of artichokes and strain with a stick mixer, strain. Top up the artichokes with the rest of the filling mixture, add a little more grated parmesan to each artichoke (optional) and bake for 10 mins. in the oven at 250C. Put olive oil, chopped garlic and bacon on the pan and, add the peas, cover with the strained sauces a little more stock, cook for 20 minutes. , return the baked artichokes, cook for another 10 minutes. You can serve this dish with pasta as desired.