Rosa Cooking

Algeria: Couscous salad

Simple and quick preparation, delicious food, looks effective, tastes different, and yet, not so different that the broad masses in this area would not like it!

Algeria: Couscous salad

Preparation steps

  • put couscous in a bowl and cover it with hot soup under the vegetables; stir and let stand 10 min. to soak up the soup; stir
  • wash the zucchini, cut off their tops and cut into thin strips; boil the zucchini briefly (they will be done quickly)
  • halve the olives
  • fry almonds in a pan for 5 minutes; be careful not to burn; add the almonds mixing with the zucchini and olives and put everything in the couscous
  • at the end of the spices add coriander, primrose in olive oil and lemon juice, stir; add cumin and cayenne pepper and mix well, then pour couscous with this mixture


Since last weekend was an “African weekend,” I prepared two dishes from Algeria the first day. Tomorrow follows the continuation of the recipes from last weekend.


africa algeria almond couscous fasting salads side dish spices zucchini

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