Adriatic evening
During the winter, during my visit to Karlovac, I received a great book of recipes from my dear Gajic and Repac. My family is over 45, not by blood, but by everything else. I was happy to try the recipes all spring and summer and narrowed them down to these seven seafood ones that were my favorite and that I enjoyed the most. I wanted to write them down after yesterday's party with local friends, so that my Gajici and Repci could try them themselves if they didn't already have the opportunity. From delicious and soft gilthead sea bream, my favorite, juiciest and most meaty white fish, refreshing sardines with tomato and lemon, through crispy rice balls and prawns in flashy shirts, all the way to beans with chard, juicy cuttlefish salad and irresistible sailor's broth hard not to lick whole hands, let alone fingers. Many thanks to my dear people from Karlovac for the donated booklet, and to for the delicious recipes.

Preparation steps
- Grilled cuttlefish salad, page 35 (for Lenka): Clean, wash and dry the cuttlefish on absorbent paper. In a suitable bowl, place the tomatoes cut into quarters and pitted olives. Peel a squash, grate it and slice it. Add to the tomatoes. Heat the grill racks well, coat with oil and place the prepared cuttlefish on them. Bake them on each side for 3-4 minutes, remove from the grill, sprinkle with and add to the tomatoes and cucumbers. Mix olive oil with crushed garlic, parsley and orange and lemon juice. Season sliced vegetables and grilled cuttlefish with this mixture. advice: Do not bake cuttlefish for a long time so that they do not become tough. You can use squid instead of cuttlefish. My review: A refreshing and light salad meal. For seafood fans, nothing with it will be necessary.
- Rice and cottage cheese balls, page 74 (for Markić): Fry the chopped onion briefly in butter, add the rice and simmer for another minute. Add saffron, hot water, and simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the bowl of rice from the heat, add the grated parmesan, well-drained cottage cheese and basil, then stir and cool. Leave covered for about 2 hours. Mix 50 g of flour and egg, then add to the prepared mixture and form balls from it. Roll them in the remaining flour and fry in deep oil for about 5 minutes. Place the fried balls on absorbent paper to soak up excess fat. advice: Use round grain rice for this dish. My review: Unusually fine balls, maybe the only intruder in the Adriatic recipes I chose, and maybe they are not. Completely juicy and soft on the inside, and slightly crispy on the outside.
- Sardines roasted in lemon juice, page 21 (for Aunt Buba): Prepare sardines for roasting by peeling them and then filleting them. Wash them under running water and dry on absorbent paper. Place a row of filleted sardines in an oiled pan, sprinkle them with vegeta, then a row of sliced lemons, a row of sliced tomatoes, then another row of sardines, lemons and tomatoes, and finally finish with sardines. Drizzle with a mixture of olive oil, garlic, parsley, marjoram and pepper. Place in an oven preheated to 200 C and bake for about 30 minutes. Serve with sardines baked potatoes and a mixed salad of tomatoes, peppers and onions. advice: The easiest way to fillet sardines is to clean their entrails first, and then separate the head and middle bone together from the fish meat. My review: Sardines prepared in this way were refreshing, juicy and fragrant for me. As I served the dish as an appetizer, I didn't stack them twice, only in one layer, so it only took me 20 minutes at 190 C.
- Sailor's stew, p. 66 (for Aunt Milka): Fry sliced onions and chopped garlic briefly in cold olive oil. Drizzle with a little water and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then add the peeled tomatoes, sugar, Mediterranean and continue to simmer on low heat for another 15-20 minutes. Add the fish cut into smaller pieces, add a little salt and simmer until the fish softens. Shake the pan occasionally while sautéing. Serve cooked polenta with broth sprinkled with parsley. advice: You can use other types of fish for this dish. My review: I have prepared this fast food dish a couple of times so far with different types of white fish. Extremely tasty broth, just enough to be sour; fantastic.
- Sea bream from the oven, page 95 (for Čađava): Finely chop the onion, add the crushed garlic, vegeta, olive oil and finely chopped pepperoni. Clean, dry and stuff the fish with a part of the stuffing, and arrange the rest on a baking dish. Put the fish on the stuffing. Cut the potatoes and celery into small cubes (or sticks). Cut the onion into rings and fry in a tablespoon of olive oil. Arrange potatoes, celery and fried onions next to the fish. Garnish with lemon slices and cover with water. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for about 30 minutes. Serve warm. advice: Cut the vegetables as small as possible so that they are cooked faster. My review: I have prepared sea bream three times so far according to this recipe and each time it delighted me with its juiciness. I cut potatoes and celery into sticks - it is more aesthetically attractive to me and it is great practically because of the uniformity of heat treatment of food. For fellow citizens in Toronto and for Canada in general: in our country, gilthead sea bream is sold under the name sea bream and gilt-head bream, and it is not at all difficult to find fresh. Apart from the Adriatic and the Mediterranean in general, it also swims in the waters of the North Atlantic, and freshwater from Nova Scotia arrives in Ontario. Some of the city's fish markets also receive fresh food from Greece and Turkey in the summer months.
- Shrimp in shirts, page 75 (for Ratkot): Drizzle the cleaned shrimp with lemon juice and sprinkle with vegeta. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and mix the flour with the baking powder. Beat the egg whites until stiff, and mix the egg yolks and with an electric mixer. Add milk to the egg yolks alternately, and a mixture of flour and baking powder. Finally, lightly stir in the egg whites. Dip shrimp marinated in lemon juice and in the prepared mixture and place on heated oil. Fry them on each side for 2-3 minutes, then remove on absorbent paper. Serve green salad with shrimp in shirts. advice: Shrimp frying oil must not be overheated. Heat it to medium temperature and then reduce the flame. My review: One of the better shrimp tempuras I’ve tried. Egg white snow gives it a nice, quite light and airy note. They are irresistible.
- Young beans with chard, p. 89 (for Grandma Jeju :): Boil and drain the cleaned beans. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Cut the chard into wider noodles, add a little salt and let stand for about 10 minutes. Fry the sliced fennel briefly in olive oil. Strain the chard, add the fennel and sauté them for about 3 minutes. Stir in the prepared beans, vegeta, pepper and chopped garlic. Stir the vegetables and cook briefly. Serve young beans with chard as a stand-alone dish or as a side dish with a steak. advice: You can prepare young beans in pods in the same way. My review: A very tasty combination of fennel, beans and chard that I like to serve with fish. I usually sprinkle with lemon juice before serving.
- Adriatic Evening: A Note to My Fellow Citizens in Toronto: The best day to buy fish and seafood at our local fish markets is Tuesday. Then early in the morning they arrive by plane fresh to the city terminals from the Atlantic provinces, and from British Columbia. Wednesday and Thursday are also solid days. On other days, it is better not to buy them, the chances are too great that they have aged and simmered on the ice.
- "recepti: Razlog vise za druzenje", 2006 Publisher: d.d. Koprivnica Book prepared by: Culinary Center of