Rosa Cooking


Acqufaba is a fairly new term in cooking. It is a revolutionary invention of the vegan diet, so simple, that in the spring of 2014. when it was published, it seemed like an April Fool's joke to many. Acquafaba was invented by Goose Wohlt, it has its official website The Official Acquafaba Website where you can read more about its origin .. Here's what it's all about .. acquafaba is a substitute for egg whites! Something that was an unsolvable problem in the vegan diet ... because we all know how important snow is an ingredient in cakes and pies, and how many fine desserts are made from egg whites - puslice, macaroons, meringues, meringue ... So the news of this discovery provided new possibilities for vegan desserts. Acqufaba looks exactly the same as egg white snow, the taste is very similar, the use is the same !!!! Here's how it works ..


Preparation steps

  • Boil the chickpeas in water, then strain it. Or, more simply, open a can of chickpeas.
  • Pour the water in which you cooked the chickpeas, or the one you squeezed out of the can, into the mixing bowl.
  • Mix at maximum speed for 5, 6 minutes ... until the desired strength of the "snow". Towards the end of mixing, add sugar which will make it even firmer and creamier. Acquafaba will be just as firm as egg whites, so you’ll be able to turn the bowl upside down without the contents even moving!


You can use Acquafab in the same way as egg whites!


asap chickpeas eggs fasting ideas kiss montignac slate snow various vegan

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