ABI apricot jam
Here is another version but with apricots…

Preparation steps
- Clean the apricots and grind them on a meat grinder or blender, shake the jelly in a bowl and add 4 tablespoons of sugar, mix with the apricots, add the acid and put on the stove to boil with occasional stirring. When it boils, add sugar and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring. First put 1.5 sugars, try and add more if it seems that it is not enough (I had my apricots this year which were not completely ripe, so it took 2 k of sugar. Strain the jars and close them well, turn them into a couple seconds upside down and return to the original position.Save to a dark place and that's it.
Spread on bread, pancakes, biscuits or just take a spoon and sweeten.