Rosa Cooking

A cake called Pudding Beurre

Tasty, simple, light, melts in your mouth ... for all occasions and all seasons, and it doesn't cost much! ;) The only drawback is that it disappears in an instant!

Preparation steps

  • Arrange the first row of biscuits pre-dipped in milk. Heat all the ingredients from the cream I except the pudding which should be pre-mixed with milk. Mix well with a whisk so that no lumps remain. When the pudding is done, pour half of the mixture over the biscuits and spread evenly, then cook the cream II in the same way. Arrange another row of biscuits over the chocolate cream, then pour the vanilla cream, then arrange the row of biscuits again, then pour the rest of the cream of chocolate. Wait for it to cool a bit, then decorate with whipped cream, flatten, sprinkle with chocolate crumbs or decorate as desired and leave in the fridge overnight. In sweetness !! ♥