A bowl of chocolate
žarbo with chocolate, very simple and quick preparation, you will see when you read the recipe,)
Preparation steps
- first prepare the dough for 4-crusts melt the yeast in warm milk, then add the egg yolks and vanilla flavor.make the flour, sugar and butter in a blender-multipractice-, as for all the “greasy” doughs you make, so.add the liquid ingredients and continue to mix , until a ball is formed from the dough.
- the dough, which is very sticky to the touch, divide into 3 or 4 balls, and leave in the fridge for half an hour. line the baking tray in which you will bake the cake with baking paper, cut the baking paper according to the size of the baking tray, and stretch the square crust.vel. tray (20x35cm.) will be easier for you, if you stretch each crust with greaseproof paper, or even better on transparent foil, this way there is no gluing and you do not waste time, everything goes quickly;)
- for the filling, grind half a walnut with sugar, and chop the rest, melt the chocolate. carefully place the first crust and coat with walnuts and chocolate, sprinkle lightly and chopped.sprinkle with milk, cover with a second crust, and repeat the process, the top should not be coated.
- leave the formed jarbo pie to "grow" for 1 hour, at room temperature, now it is summer, so it will be shorter, bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, for at least half an hour,
- take out the finished pie and cool for at least 2 hours, at room temperature, then lightly coat it with chocolate glaze. for the glaze, melt the chocolate then add the butter and oil, mix gently and when you get a compact mixture pour over the pie.
leave the jarbo pie in the fridge overnight or in a cool room and cut into the desired shapes the next day.